Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tel Aviv from a Hospital Room - Day 8

We have been in Tel Aviv for 3 weeks today, but the last 9 days have been spent in Alexis's hospital room. She was moved to a private room last Sunday, compared to PMH this room is a palace, very large with big windows overlooking the city, at night the view is spectacular. In her room there is a built-in desk with drawers and cupboards, a TV with a DVD player and a bar fridge. There are also 2 single beds so she can have someone stay over comfortably. At PMH I often slept over as did many of Lex's friends we were forced to sleep in a very uncomfortable often broken lazy boy chair. This hospital actually encourages the patients family and friends to stay, how humane. The food on the other hand is pretty terrible, breakfast consists of watery cooked cereal, a hard boiled egg, hummas, toast and different pre-packaged white cheeses. Lunch is always some kind of meat dish like ground beef patties or chicken, watery soup, hummas and overcooked vegetables. Dinner, repeat lunch but add cereal from breakfast, mashed potatoes, kugel or rice and there is always packaged hulava for desert, it should be noted that this diet is called a microbial diet as she is not allowed to eat anything fresh until she engrafts. Lex, however has a highly developed palette, meals to her should be tasteful, attractive and satisfying every meal a gourmet experience so, upon seeing the food provided by the Top Icholov Hospital she quickly turned up her elegant nose and refused to eat. Sending all into a tizzy trying to provide a microbial diet that was both satisfying and tasty, this was achieved by me, preparing homemade soups, macaroni and cheese and homemade applesauce in our tiny kitchen! Needless to say Lex was pleased with my efforts and is now anticipating what other epicural wonders I will create for her.

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