Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cautiously Optimistic

The last few days have been challenging. Lex's bloodwork continues to show slow engraftment, she is getting fed up with being in the hospital all the time, but this process can't be rushed her body will do what her body will do. There have been some signs of progress and we latch onto them no matter how tiny anything that could mean she's engrafting better gives us hope. Then yesterday happened and of course it was the 28th day post transplant her WBC's finally moved up enough to allow her a day pass to leave the hospital. Lex was unhooked from her I.V. pole that she named 'skinny bitch' and was given permission to come home to the apartment for 6 beautiful hours. I ran out to the grocery store and bought the supplies I required to make her a nice dinner and while I was cooking she and Elise sat out on her balcony enjoying the fresh air and chatting, then, for the 1st time in over a month we set the table and sat down like a family for dinner, it was wonderful, felt like a vacation for all of us and watching Lex eat her food with enthusiasm after so many depressing hospital meals was great. After dinner we settled in to watch Ellen on TV and at 9:30pm she went back to the hospital to once again be hooked up to her IV pole. Today's bloodwork also showed improvement and suddenly we're feeling cautiously optimistic, if her blood continues this trend then she'll be released and become an outpatient, that won't happen for about a week but now we can at least think about it.

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