Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Living in the Land of Miracles - Hoping for a Miracle

Tomorrow's the big day, tomorrow is the day that Alexis gets her transplant. It will be a long day and it starts with me, I arrive at the clinic at 7am for a bone marrow aspiration, they need about a litre of marrow from me, a couple of hours later I go to the transplant clinic to be hooked up to an Apheresis machine that removes all the blood from my body takes out K and T cells and and then puts the blood back into my body, the cells that are removed from my blood are what are transplanted into Alexis's marrow and blood, the transplant itself is anticlimatic a simple I.V. bag that takes only about an hour. Once the transplant is done, we must wait about 2 weeks for engraftment, this will be the beginning of a long road to recovery hopefully Lex won't experience too many of the side effects that can occur but the reality is that she probably will, so we are hanging onto the hope that because she is in great shape physically and emotionally she will get through the really tough moments. As complex as tomorrow sounds it's really only the beginning the very first step towards what we hope is a cure. This journey has been so hard, so emotional, we cry and laugh equally, sometimes at the same time. We have pinned our hopes on a team of brilliant Israeli doctors who question why there were no options for us in Canada, they really believe they can help us and have given Lex back her hope. We are living in the land miracles, our being here is a miracle, so why not another one.

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