Monday, November 29, 2010


The last few days have been less fun than we thought they would be, you'd logically think that with Lex's bloodwork showing engraftment all her problems would be behind her but alas that isn't the case. After dealing with so many major health issues over the last 6 weeks it surprised both of us that something as basic as a UTI would be so problematic, but it is. The discomfort caused by this UTI is all encompassing, it has literally blocked out most of the last 2 months, actually maybe this isn't a bad thing.....afterall, do we really want to remember everything that has transpired up to now? We do and we don't, and I would prefer to bury a bad memory with a good one not a nuisance one such as this! So Lex is hydrating herself to the point of contributing to Israel's water shortage, and waiting for the morning when she wakes up and suddenly realizes that this very uncomfortable problem is gone.

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