Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lyat, Lyat - Slowy, Slowly

Finally something is brewing, slowly, slowly those tiny little neutrafils are starting to show some life, it's early maybe to early for me to write about but I'm feeling particularly hopeful tonight and I really wanted to share. Lex has been in hospital for 3 weeks tomorrow with her friends and Aunt Karen visiting from Toronto time has passed quickly, however, 3 weeks is a long time for a vibrant person like Lex to be cooped up in a hospital room, it's time for her to come home. We have to be patient a little longer because the engraftment needs to be solid before she can be released so another week at least and now that Mo has arrived maybe the magic will begin. In the meantime I'm still doing my thing, walking to the hospital daily to be with her and preparing soups or painting by night if I'm not to tired.
Having my sister here was wonderful and I'm sad she's leaving if there's one person in the world that I can be relaxed around it's her, she gets me like no other and she loves my girls completely. Safe flight home Karen, I'll miss you and I love you.

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