Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Alexis

My Alexis, smart, funny, compassionate, beautiful. This child of mine has the sweetest spirit and demeanor, she has the ability to draw people to her with simply a smile. Everyone who meets her instantly wants to be her friend there is a constant glow about her, in my family we say "she is lit from within" my child is also strong. Throughout this long process the one thing that stands out is her determination to be strong no matter what she has had to face, diagnosis's that would have brought anyone to their knees. Over the last 6 years Lex has had some frightening experiences, blood clots, pneumonias, a collapsed lung, relapses and throughout it all my one impression of her is her astounding ability to adapt, don't get me wrong there has been shock, fear and sadness but after, there has always been the strength to accept the diagnosis and to fight, fight as hard as she can. She is like a bouncing ball push her down and she always pops right back up. This is why we came to Israel for medical care because the crime would have been not to come, not trying to heal Alexis is akin to giving up and that is simply not who we are. I believe in the treatment she is receiving with my entire being and more importantly I believe in her.


  1. Debbie, she is you! By watching you face life with such courage and sensibility, she has learned that life is worth fighting for and family is everything. You applaud her, I applaud you both!
    Love and best wishes always,

  2. I check several times a day looking for a new post from Israel. Thank you so much for sharing the journey.

    Lynn Buchanan
